In our short marketing course today, here’s 7 ways to convert prospects and visitors to buyers, so you really boost your marketing results. Mastering the effective conversion of your prospects and visitors will help you jump-start your income, reduce the risks involved with growing your business and make your life easier and more fun.
The first rule in today’s short marketing course is, “A Purchase Never Happens by Accident”
As just about everyone knows who’s taking today’s short marketing course, just because someone wants or needs your product or service, doesn’t mean they will buy it. Therefore, you must learn how to get your prospect or visitor to cross the finish line and actually buy it, or you will both lose.
So, for today’s short marketing course, the 7 Rules of Conversion are
- Relevance
- Engagement
- Message Match
- Progressive Commitment
- Clearly Ask
- Overcome Buying Obstacles
- Create Urgency / Motivate Action Now
Number one in our short marketing course’s rules of conversion is RELEVANCE.
Relevance means your product or service must solve a specific problem or need this person has. It must be relevant to them. Therefore, you must clearly explain in your web pages, emails, ads, talks and presentations that you solve their problem. If they are not convinced, you will never be able to get them to buy.
Engagement means you must somehow involve the person. It could be giving them a sample to try, or otherwise having them physically or mentally involved in the experience of the product or service.
Number three in our short marketing course’s rules of conversion is MESSAGE MATCH.
Message match means you must be consistent in your presentations. Don’t start with an ad about one thing, then have your web page about something else.
Or in your presentations… find out in advance or ask up front what they are most interested in, and then, laser-focus your presentation just on that.
Number four in our short marketing course’s rules of conversion is PROGRESSIVE COMMITMENT.
Sometimes called a trial-close, that’s where you get their little agreements along the way as you present, to make sure what you’re presenting is still relevant to the buyer. The little commitments lead to the big one, where they buy.
With Internet-based marketing for example, you may offer something that would only be relevant to a real buyer, like a piece of information, a buyer’s guide, a list of the top suppliers, an opportunity to put together the details of the order so they could see what it looks like and how much it would cost, etc.
Face-to-face you could ask what details and colors they would be most interested in, or delivery details, like, if this something you’d want this month? In this way the buyer is giving you a little commitment. Enough of these little commitments creates a momentum that makes the bigger commitment much easier.
Number five in our short marketing course’s rules of conversion is CLEARLY ASK.
The number one problem with new or ineffective salespeople is they don’t actually ask for the order. In ads and web pages I also see marketers forgetting to have a call-to-action or to make it prominent.
Number six in our short marketing course’s rules of conversion is OVERCOMING BUYING OBSTACLES.
Most buyers have little or big reasons why they cannot or will not buy, or why they are not comfortable buying from you. Uncover these obstacles and answer them and closing the sale is more likely.
These could include insecurity that your product or service will not deliver on its promise for example, or that it will not suit the buyer’s need. A guarantee, perhaps reinforced with credibility builders such as Better Business Bureau or other certification, combined with relevant testimonials, could help overcome this obstacle.
One strategy for price objections is lowering your price or offering payment options.
But the price objection may be because enough value for your product or service has not been established in the buyer’s mind.
Famed motivational speaker Tony Robbins used to sell his programs for a fraction of what he does today. His thinking and marketing approach changed dramatically when he was reminded that he actually changes people’s lives.
Once he dropped the – “you will be motivated” mantra and started explaining in all his marketing and promotions that, “your life will change by using one of my products or attending one of my events,” suddenly the price resistance melted away for most people and his income skyrocketed.
So if price is the major buying obstacle for your customers, consider strengthening the value people expect, before you go and lower your price.
Consider the successful barber shop that suddenly had a competitor open right next door with a huge sign saying, $5 haircuts. Rather than lowering his price, he put a huge sign in his window saying, “We fix $5 haircuts!”
And lastly, number seven in our short marketing course’s rules of conversion is CREATING URGENCY.
This means you must somehow give people a reason why they should buy now rather than procrastinate. Nothing gets done without a deadline. It’s human nature. Stand outside the post office on tax day and you’ll see this feature of human behavior at work in full sight. Many people tend to do nothing until they are given some type of deadline. Create a good reason why they need to act now, and more people will do just that.
Act now. Limited time offer. Only 2 days left. Limited quantity. While supplies last. We can give you a 5% discount if you buy before the end of the month.
Each of these creates a sense of urgency and a reason why your customer should buy now, rather than wait.
In today’s short marketing course you saw a few very different ways to goose the momentum so that your prospect or visitor buys now rather than putting it off indefinitely. If you want more prospects buying from you, remember, it’s usually not just one, but a combination of these that will help assure more of your prospects will convert into buyers.