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Small Business Marketing Help – A Key to Growing Your Small Business is Identifying a Large Enough Market of “Low-Hanging-Fruit”
For those of you who want small business marketing help, here’s a simple way to expand the size of your market of ready buyers, so more people are interested in buying your product or service.
When I do a market analysis for someone’s product or service, I like to begin my small business marketing help by looking at the low-hanging-fruit. Which people are easiest to sell? Then I look at the market size, meaning, are there enough of those people to make it worthwhile to go after them?
A women I was recently helping told me about her color business. A pseudo-interior designer, she is in the business of helping homeowners add color to their homes and offices. So, from a small business marketing help perspective, low-hanging-fruit for her is people who want to add color to their homes, not a very large market.
But if we go beyond the color aspect, and understand why people want color in the first place, we start to identify a much larger market to go after.
This lady begins her consultation with a client by taking them through a famous color test to determine their color preferences. Not the simple, “What’s your favorite color,” kinda stuff. But rather, “Which colors affect you favorably and which affect you negatively.”
For couples, she determines separately each person’s color preferences, then finds the common denominators so she is able to identify the best colors for their environment.
But for her small business marketing help, I want to dig deeper and ask, “Why do people care about color in the first place… Why not just have neutral walls.”
When I ask these questions, an interesting issue comes up Continue reading
To get marketing help without a lot of the complexity you get from a small business marketing course, I often get asked by people with existing small businesses, “When it comes to marketing for my business, where do I begin?” Here’s a simple process that will help.
-1- TARGET MARKET — Always start with your target customer and work backwards from there. So…
Every effective marketing plan should begin with selecting the ideal target customer
a. The best marketing help gets you to first, list EVERY type of customer for your product, service or small business. Be as specific as possible. Don’t just say “realtors,” say “commercial realtors,:” “residential realtors,” ‘retail specialists,” etc. List ALL that apply.
b. Identify low-hanging fruit from that list–people where you have the greatest chance to win them with the greatest profit and/or volume. This list should NOT have people who are not ready or convinced they have the problem or issue your product solves.
Instead, select target customers for your product or small business who recognize they have this need, but have not yet decided how to solve it. Then…
c. The best marketing help I can give you right here, something that most people do not consider, is… Select ONE group to target from that list of low hanging fruit and focus ALL your marketing efforts just on them.
-2- DEFINE YOUR MESSAGE— What do you want to say that will have them buying from you? Here’s a simple formula that will help:
IT / US / NOW, meaning… Continue reading
Mastering the Marketing Mix will help you jump-start your business strategy while reducing the risks involved with growing your business. Continue reading
Part 2 of the Top Ten Small Business Advertising Ideas for winning customers. These are the most important tools you’ll need to generate the income you want. Continue reading
A quick tip on how to generate tons of free publicity and help you attract a ton of customers without breaking the bank on costly marketing. Continue reading
Okay. So you spent all this time filling in a boiler plate Marketing Plan, and answering all their questions. But then you start to wonder, how come so many people who fill in these boiler plate marketing plans still end up with a business that struggles or worse, that fails?
Does your own Marketing Plan suck?
Over the years experts like me and major venture capitalists (I have helped several) have seen a steady flow of theoretical mumbo-jumbo-filled Marketing Plan programs delivered by academics and theoreticians who have little real-world experience.
These are the very people who gave Fred Smith a barely passing grade for his plan to launch FedEx (he ignored his teacher and went on to create one of the nation’s greatest success stories), while enabling others with unrealistic fundamentals.
But there’s a much easier and more reliable way to create a truly effective Marketing Plan for your business, regardless of its size and type, without spending a fortune on useless theory.
Marketing Plans for Small Business Marketing are essential for predictable and escalated growth.
The problem is…
Most small business marketing is put together in pieces, without a coordinated strategy. In this way the typical business owner gains a fraction of the customers and profits they could be getting from an effective marketing plan.
If you have a product, service or business, spending time to develop a Small Business Marketing Plan will help you lay out all the strategies and tactics you’ll need for: getting your message in front of the right people,
The Marketing Plan is your roadmap for success. It gets you thinking through all the opportunities and possible problems, before spending money on useless or harmful tactics.
For small and large businesses alike, marketing plans provide the outline you want for growing your business without losing your shirt on ineffective programs and media. And spending time creating that Marketing Plan gets you to address crucial questions you may not have otherwise considered, such as: Continue reading