One of the best small business marketing ideas that many never consider. A simple technique to simplify your marketing and funnel revenues into your pockets.
Whether you offer products or services, if you’re looking for small business marketing ideas that will help you grow your business — without having to spend a fortune on costly advertising that may or may not work, here’s a simple way to boost your visibility and sales.
Of all the small business marketing ideas you try, this could be your most powerful marketing tool by far. It’s this — Become THE alternative to some product or brand your customers are already using.
Don’t be fooled by the seeming simplicity of this. And don’t think this doesn’t apply to your product or business. This simple strategy has been responsible for some of the greatest successes and wealth creation people have ever seen.
With all the small business marketing ideas out there, most don’t address the number one issue. The biggest problem for most businesses is that, at first glance, potential customers have no clear idea what you offer or why they should buy from you.
In effect, most products and businesses are virtually “invisible.” This technique solves that problem, quickly and simply, regardless of the type of business you have.
This is one of those small business marketing ideas that can work for virtually any business — even yours — to boost sales and profits. I’ve seen it with hundreds of people and businesses. They apply all kinds of small business marketing ideas. Then, as soon as they try this, everything changes.
A simple twist like this could be the difference between years and decades of struggling to make a paycheck, and almost instant success and a life of cash that flows in week-after-week and year-after-year.
So, what and who are you competing with? And how specifically are you different?
Try this. When it comes to small business marketing ideas, you may be surprised at how simple yet powerful this can be, to help you grow your business.
If you found this tip helpful, subscribe to my free newsletter and awesome eBooks with just about every marketing tool you’ll need to get customers and create a quick-start marketing plan, using the link below. http://GreatMar.com
I’ve also got some amazing videos coming up, including a technique you can use to funnel loads of customers from other businesses to yours. Once you subscribe, you’ll have access to the growing collection of videos, demo files, templates, and cheat sheets which are available to all free subscribers.
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